A Showtime original series starring Michael C. Hall as an handsome and charming serial killer.
Ordinary people discover extraordinary abilities on NBC.
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 110 episodes, 5 seasons
United States (1999-2004)
Canceled/Ended in 2004

Episode 12 of "Angel"
s01e12 Expecting

Title: Expecting

Original Air Date: 01/25/2000 on WB

Director: David Semel
Writer: Howard Gordon

Guest Stars: Maggie Connelly (Nurse), Julie Quinn (Pregnant Woman), Louisette Geiss (Emily), Doug Tompos (Doctor Wasserman), Josh Randall (Bartender), Ken Marino (Wilson Christopher), Daphne Duplaix (Selene), Dan Frischman (Wilson Christopher)

Plot Outline:

Cordelia prepares for a night on the town with William Christopher, a prominent LA photographer, but right before her friends whisk her away to meet him, she receives a vision and gives the information to Angel. Angel and Wesley check out the address and slay a demon spawn. At the club, Cordelia chats it up with William and invites him to spend the night. The next morning, she realizes she's expecting! Angel and Wesley pay a visit to her apartment and observe her pregnant state. They try to contact Wilson but are unable to reach him. They form a plan: Angel will track down Cordelia's friend Serena, while Wesley will take Cordelia to the doctor. When the doctor observes she is carrying 7 babies, the panic sets in. Meanwhile, Angel meets with Serena and discovers she's pregnant as well. She clues him to Wilson and his cronies' hangout: a local gun club. Meanwhile, Cordelia and Wesley return to Angel's pad and Wesley observes her new attitude towards her spawn. She is suddenly very attached to them. Wesley deduces she is under some kind of telepathy. After a brief reconnaissance, Angel heads for the gun club, and Wesley researches and identifies the demon species. Cordelia, now fully under the influence, escapes from the apartment and heads to a local industrial park to prepare for the birth. Meanwhile, William fesses all after a brutal thrashing from Angel in vamp form. Wesley heads over to the industrial park and challenges the demon to a duel to the death. Angel enters the scene and brings a giant canister of liquid nitrogen as an offering. They freeze the demon and Cordelia, no longer pregnant and under the influence of the telepathy, destroys it.

Episode Pictures:

Angel photo 1 (episode s01e12) Angel photo 2 (episode s01e12) Angel photo 3 (episode s01e12) Angel photo 4 (episode s01e12)
Angel photo 5 (episode s01e12) Angel photo 6 (episode s01e12) Angel photo 7 (episode s01e12) Angel photo 8 (episode s01e12)


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