Episode 22 of "Angel"
s01e22 To Shansu in L.A.
Title: To Shansu in L.A.
Original Air Date: 05/23/2000 on WB
Director: David Greenwalt
Writer: David Greenwalt
Guest Stars: Randall Slavin (Male Oracle), Carey Cannon (Female Oracle), David Herman (David Nabbit), J. August Richards (Charles Gunn), Louise Claps (Homeless Woman), Daren Rice (Uniform #1), Jon Ecklund (Uniform #2), Lia Johnson (Vendor), Robyn Cohen (Nurse), Susan Savage (Doctor), John Eddins (Monk #1), Turner Brahman (Young Tough Guy), Gerado O'Donnel (Monk #2)
Plot Outline:
Wesley is searching for the translation of the Scrolls of Aberjian and the prophecy of the "vampire with a soul". He is finding the process difficult as the scrolls are over 4,000 years old and translated into a dozen languages. Unfortunately, when Wesley does realize what the pivotal word, "shanshu" means, he must tell Angel that the prophecy means the vampire with a soul will die. Angel greets this news with an uninterested shrug. Wesley and Cordy believe Angel's non-reaction is a result of not living, growing and changing as the rest of the world does. The gang discovers that Lindsey has been promoted to Jr. Partner at Wolfram and Hart. He made his choice to stay with the dark side. Meanwhile, the folks at W&H are conjuring up a demon who has come to separate Angel and the "Powers That Be." This of course, means separating Angel from his friends as well as the Oracles. The next day, as Cordy walks through a flea-market, the same demon brushes up against her. She's hit with a vision but it doesn't stop. Screaming in pain, she collapses on the ground. The evil demon also pays a visit to Angel's home where he plants a bomb and easily walks out with the scrolls. Seems he needs the scrolls himself for a surprise incantation that will further bring woe to our heroes. Wesley arrives just in time to see the bomb and hightail it around a brick wall that ultimately saves his life. While looking after Wesley in the hospital, Angel visits Cordelia and notices a symbol on her hand. Angel heads to the Oracles to find out what it means only to find them slain. Lucky for him the spirit of the female Oracle is able to tell Angel that the mark belongs to a warrior of the underworld named Vocah, as well as filling him in on how to save Cordy. Angel enlists his new friend Charles Gunn to watch over his injured friends while they are in the hospital. Meanwhile the team from W&H are in a mausoleum, surrounding a crate, and watching an incantation lead by Vocah. Angel attacks the demon but as the two brawl, Lindsey takes over with the ritual. Angel kills Vocah but the ritual is complete. Lindsey attempts to burn the ancient scroll but Angel slices off his hand before he gets the chance and rushes to save his friends. Back at Cordy's apartment, Wesley discovers the real meaning of "shanshu" is to live. Angel will eventually become human. And back at the basement of Wolfram & Hart, the crack team of lawyers gather around the crate. Holland tells Lindsey they will even the score with the very item that sits in the crate. Lilah welcomes the disheveled creature that turns out to be Darla.
Episode Pictures: