Episode 87 of "Angel"
s04e21 Peace Out
Title: Peace Out
Original Air Date: 04/30/2003 on WB
Director: Jefferson Kibbee
Writer: David Fury
Guest Stars: Robert Towers (High Priest), Bonita Friedericy (Patience), Eliza Pryor Nagel (Susan), Kristin Richardson (Female Reporter/Tracy), Kyle Ingleman (Jeremy), Jeff Scott Bass (Brent), Bob Pescovitz (News Producer), Gerry Katzman (Technician), Audrey Kearns (Young Woman), Kimble Jemison (Cop #1), Blair Hickey (Male News Reporter), Angelica Castro (Telemundo Reporter), Brian Bradley (Grizzled Reporter), Jeff Bass (Brent)
Plot Outline:
While Lorne, Wesley, Fred and Gunn are being held captive in the hotel basement, Angel finds himself in Jasmine's previous dimension. There he encounters a High Priest and a giant demon, who can reveal Jasmine for who she really is. However, Angel must kill the priest and behead the demon in order to bring the head back to Los Angeles. Meanwhile, Jasmine is preparing for a giant broadcast to the world, where she will declare peace. She refuses to tell Connor where Cordelia is and orders him to guard Angel's crew. Instead, he sneaks off to a nearby church and finds Cordelia lying unconcious. When Angel arrives back in Los Angeles, he brings out the head and Jasmine becomes her true self. Most of her followers and Angel try to kill her, but it is Connor who finally ends her existence, allowing a lot of pain to be released back into the world. The Senior Partners of Wolfram and Hart like what they see and send Lilah to plan a meeting with Angel Investigations.
Episode Pictures: