A Showtime original series starring Michael C. Hall as an handsome and charming serial killer.
Ordinary people discover extraordinary abilities on NBC.
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 110 episodes, 5 seasons
United States (1999-2004)
Canceled/Ended in 2004

Episode 109 of "Angel"
s05e21 Power Play

Title: Power Play

Original Air Date: 05/12/2004 on WB

Director: James A. Contner
Writer: David Fury

Guest Stars: Leland Crooke (Sebassis), Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia (Archive Footage)), Mark Colson (Izzy), Alec Newman (Drogyn), Adam Baldwin (Hamilton), Dennis Christopher (Cyvus Vail), Elimu Nelson (Ernesto), Stacey Travis (Senator Bruckner)

Plot Outline:

The gang starts to have doubts about Angel's loyalties when he appears to have become very close with the Circle of the Black Thorn, an evil secret demon society. When Drogyn, the guardian of the deep well, makes a startling revelation, the gangs' fears that Angel has become evil seem to be validated.

Episode Pictures:

Angel photo 1 (episode s05e21) Angel photo 2 (episode s05e21) Angel photo 3 (episode s05e21) Angel photo 4 (episode s05e21)
Angel photo 5 (episode s05e21) Angel photo 6 (episode s05e21) Angel photo 7 (episode s05e21) Angel photo 8 (episode s05e21)


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