Episode 6 of "Charlie Jade"
s01e06 Dirty Laundry
Title: Dirty Laundry
Original Air Date: 05/14/2005 on Space
Plot Outline:
Charlie's hunt for missing civil rights crusader Themba Makande takes him into the world of Muti Healers where the poor are murdered for the black market value of their organs. Meanwhile, 01 forces Galt to admit that the recent blackouts throughout Cape Town are a result of Vexcor Betaverse siphoning off the city's power and using it to build a secret underground link to Alphaverse. When Charlie gets wind of the plan, he sees the link as his ticket home - but he also suspects that 01 will try to destroy the link before it ever goes online. While Reena is being tortured and brainwashed by her wicked captors, Jasmine faces life without Charlie and a return to the toxic industrial ruin that was once her home.
Episode Pictures: