A Showtime original series starring Michael C. Hall as an handsome and charming serial killer.
Ordinary people discover extraordinary abilities on NBC.
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 18 episodes, 1 season
United States (2005-2006)
Canceled/Ended in 2006

Episode 15 of "Commander-In-Chief"
s01e15 Ties That Bind

Title: Ties That Bind

Original Air Date: 04/27/2006 on ABC

Plot Outline:

Mac wants her Attorney General to look into an urban situation in Maryland because it's where Gardner is from. Mac is also briefed on the situation of the missing surface-to-air missiles that went down in a military plane crash over Pakistan and has to make sure that the weapons do not end up in the hands of terrorists. Templeton is ralling support for the Templeton Act which focuses on domestic crime and Mac is threatening to use her veto power in the hopes for more law enforcement and education over the bill's calls for tougher sentencing. Dickie learns that Vince is planning a commitment ceremony with his partner and he warns him not to invite Mac because it might hurt her in the polls.

Episode Pictures:

Commander-In-Chief photo 1 (episode s01e15) Commander-In-Chief photo 2 (episode s01e15) Commander-In-Chief photo 3 (episode s01e15) Commander-In-Chief photo 4 (episode s01e15)
Commander-In-Chief photo 5 (episode s01e15) Commander-In-Chief photo 6 (episode s01e15) Commander-In-Chief photo 7 (episode s01e15) Commander-In-Chief photo 8 (episode s01e15)


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