Episode 3 of "Oz"
s01e03 God's Chillin'
Title: God's Chillin'
Original Air Date: 07/21/1997 on HBO
Director: Jean de Segonzac
Writer: Tom Fontana
Guest Stars: Skipp Sudduth (Burrano), Steve Ryan (Officer Healy), Raul Aranas (Jorge Vargas), O.L. Duke (Paul Markstram), Elizabeth Rodriguez (Maritza Alvarez), Scott Cohen (Jeremy Goldstein), Benny Nieves (Carlos), Goodfella Mike G. (Joey D'Angelo), Eugene Ashe (Singer), Ray Frazier (Singer), Paul Frazier (Singer)
Plot Outline:
That whole 'an eye for an eye' theory ain't working so good as the tension increases between the gangbangers and the wiseguys. Keane, despite his new-found faith, swears he will have revenge on O'Reily for selling Johhny Post out. Glynn warns Schibetta, Said and Keane to keep themselves and their followers out of trouble, or else the whole prison's going into lockdown. That whole little plan starts unravelling when Keane receives an unexpected (and definitely unwanted) "gift" from the wiseguys. Healy, O'Reily's C.O.-in-cahoots warns Keane to make sure no harm comes to Ryan. Ryan, meanwhile, is trying to get help with an appeal with a little help from ex-lawyer Tobias Beecher. While the chances of Beecher actually being able to get Ryan out of prison look pretty slim, the odds of the two of them getting high as a kite look very good indeed. Beecher continues to have problems with Schillinger, but is granted a little bit of good news in that he becomes Sister Pete's personal assistant. Her personal guidance doesn't seem to be working so well, but O'Reily's increased offers of drugs seem to melt away the blues like a charm. Schillinger doesn't approve, but that doesn't stop Beecher one bit. Both Keane and Groves look into matters of the spirit and new inmate, 16 year old Kenny Wangler tries his best to do so also, but opts instead for the life of a gangbanger. Keane tries to stay true to his new identity, but with his suspicions of his wife, Mavis's infidelity and his brother Billie still embracing a lifestyle which he deems immoral, he's got quite the challenge ahead. He forgives O'Reily for his ratting-out of Johnny and Ryan returns the favour by arranging for Keane to be taken to a make-shift gladiator ring against a couple of Latinos while the corrupt guards watch and videotape. Keane kills one of the Latinos, Martinez, in self-defense and the whole prison is put into lockdown. Governor Devlin brings in the feds to investigate the rash of murders. Alvarez's wife gives birth to a baby boy. He brags like a proud papa, but when his baby suddenly gets ill, he believes it is his pride that is to blame for the baby's sickness. He goes to father Mukada for help, but decides that praying isn't as effective to God as a good ol' fashioned disfiguring and he cuts his face and palms as sort of a trade-off to God. A "my looks for his health" sort of thing. Hill tells us God not only has the world in his hands, he has it by the balls, and I feel I am inclined to agree at times.
Episode Pictures: