Episode 16 of "Oz"
s02e08 Escape from Oz
Title: Escape from Oz
Original Air Date: 08/31/1998 on HBO
Director: Jean de Segonzac
Writer: Tom Fontana
Guest Stars: Tim Hopper (Reporter), Bill Fagerbakke (Officer Karl Metzger), Zakes Mokae (Kipekemie Jara), Nelson Vasquez (Officer Rivera), Bryan Callen (Coushaine), Leif Riddell (Prisoner #96M542 Mark Mack), Rod Brogan (Frances Hansell)
Plot Outline:
Metzger replaces Diane as Em City supervisor. The escape tunnel almost completed, Busmalis and Rebadow are forced to give their pod to Mark Mack and Hansel, who were watching them build. Mack gets to switch pods after showing his Nazi tattoo to Metzger. The tunnel collapses after Rebadow and Busmalis loosen the support beams, killing the two Aryans. Poet has to work in the morgue as punishment from McManus. Hill discusses possible escape plans with Poet, Wangler, and Coushaine. Sipple returns after being unable to find a home, Sister Pete convinces Glynn to let him stay in Oz at night. Ray hires him as an assistant... he helps with an anointing and meets with his victim before being (literally) crucified by Vern in the gym. An uncomfortable Gloria examines Shirley. Miguel cuts Rivera's eyes out, hiding in Ray's office and taking him hostage. The prison goes into lockdown. Rivera needs an immediate transfusion, but only Ryan has his rare blood type. Ryan agrees to give blood as long as Cyril's transferred to Em City. Ryan confesses to Preston's murder out of guilt, and a need to stay inside to protect Cyril. Miguel decides to commit suicide, but a vengeful SORT team barges in, beating him as he goes to solitary. Keller returns from the Hole, rejecting Beecher completely. As Operation Toby draws to a close, Metzger takes Beecher to the gym, where Keller and Vern wait. Keller tells Beecher he never loved him, he's been working with Vern all along. They proceed to break Beecher's arms and legs. A flicker of remorse appears on Keller's face during his first night alone in their pod. Em City is abuzz with the news and McManus begins to doubt Metzger. Nappa takes Adebisi's drug shipment. He decides to follow Jarra's ways. Adebisi becomes joyfully happy and finds inner peace, but appears completely unhinged to everyone else. Fed up, Wangler and Pierce agree to work for Nappa. In the kitchen, Wangler kills Jarra. Adebisi is blamed and sent to the psych ward, in a cell beside Peter Schibetta. Said surprises McManus by refusing to help Poet again. Devlin decides to pardon Said in honor of Ramadan, Said almost accepts, but turns it down after Arif expresses envy. He walks through Em City's gates to the cheers of every inmate. The season ends with Hill climbing inside a coffin, ready to be shipped out of Oz.
Episode Pictures: