Episode 17 of "Oz"
s03e01 The Truth and Nothing But...
Title: The Truth and Nothing But...
Original Air Date: 07/14/1999 on HBO
Director: Nick Gomez
Writer: Tom Fontana
Guest Stars: Milo O'Shea (Dr. Frederick Garvey), Paula Garcés (Isabella [uncredited]), Anthony Treach Criss (Prisoner #99C122 Malcolm Snake Coyle)
Plot Outline:
Oswald Maximum Security Penententiary is renamed Oswald State Correctional Facility: Level Four. To cut costs, Devlin brings in the Weigert Corporation to oversee medical matters. Gloria soon clashes with brusque Dr. Garvey, who cuts off Miguel's anti-depressants because he sees no need for solitary patients to be medicated. When Gloria tells him, she learns he's been having conversations with his (dead) grandfather. Ray learns from a visit that the hacks aren't feeding Miguel, but is sworn to secrecy. Carlo Ricardo, Malcolm Coyle, and Hamid Khan arrive. Coyle goes by Snake and befriends Wangler (who now wants to be known as Bricks). Poet now goes by Arnold and has given up on poetry. The other new face only appears on tv, Miss Sally of Miss Sally's Schoolyard, who captures viewers thanks to her ample mammary glands. Nappa warns Kenny against confiding in him, and only gains trust after subjecting him to a beatdown by Poet, Wangler, and assorted black inmates. News of Adebisi protecting Peter Schibetta in the psych ward gets to Pancamo and Nappa. Sister Pete and McManus, impressed with his progress, send Adebisi back to Em City. He apologizes to all those he hurt, Nappa puts him back in the kitchen to stop Wangler from being too cocky. Clayton Hughes, son of a guard killed in Oz decades ago, pressures old family friend Glynn to hire him as a guard. He wants a high-risk placement... Glynn puts him in the visitors' area. New guard Claire Howell rejects Diane's friendly overtures and asks McManus on a date. Ricardo gets a visit from his father and siblings, but his mother doesn't show up. Cyril's nightmares of rape and Hoyt's conflicts with Vern at the post office lead Ryan and Hoyt to join forces. Ryan manipulates Hoyt into losing his job and trying to kill Vern in the gym, but Hoyt's murder attempt results only in a trip to the Hole. Richie goes to death row for Vogel's murder. Fellow inmate Shirley wants to play peep show even after learning he's gay. He reluctantly agrees, and Shirley is very impressed with the results. Said plans to file a class action lawsuit against Oz, the state, and Devlin for the riot and Khan objects to his use of a Jewish lawyer. Meeting with relatives of the dead individually, Said is smitten with Tricia Ross, Scott Ross' sweet and teary half-sister. She refuses to join the lawsuit. Vern catches a glimpse of their handholding and plants seeds of doubt in Muslim heads. Metzger gains revenge on Busmalis by putting him in a chokehold and throwing him down a flight of stairs. Tim begins investigating his Nazi background, but Glynn still can't fire him. Beecher and Busmalis refuse to implicate him in their injuries. Beecher is released from the infirmary, with a cane and sharp, long fingernails. Keller wants to resume a relationship between them, meeting resistance and a command to rat on himself, Metzger and Schillinger. He finally agrees, going into protective custody, Vern goes to the Hole. Metzger takes Beecher into a secluded area to learn where Keller's going, Beecher acts out wildly, slashing Metzger's throat with his fingernails. He dies before he has the chance to summon help.
Episode Pictures: